George William Bowkett Sapper - 6th Mechanical Equipment Platoon / 275th Field Company Royal Engineers
- Nachname:Bowkett
- Initialen:G.W.
- Nationalität:Großbritannien
- Heimat:Großbritannien
- Alter :22
- Familie:Bowkett is shown in the picture first on the left, in the middle his brother George and on the right his sister Cissy.
- Armeenummer:2161036
- Rang:Sapper
- Armeeteil:6th Mechanical Equipment Platoon / 275th Field Company Royal Engineers
- Abteilung:51st (Highland) Division
- Verstorben am:21-11-1944
- Feldgrab: Heibloem
- Ort des Friedhofs: Venray
- Friedhofsname: Venray War Cemetery
- Landfriedhof: Niederlande
- Plot Friedhof: V
- Reihe Friedhof: A
- Nummer Friedhof: 1
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