Edward J. Sedinger Staff sergeant - 366th Bomb Squadron USAF
- Last name:Sedinger
- Initials:E.J.
- Nationality:United States of America
- Date of birth:24-09-1921
- Place of birth:Millerton, Tioga County PA
- Homeland:United States of America
- Age :22
- Army number:33349595
- Rank:Staff sergeant
- Air Force part:USAF 305 BG
- Squadron:366th Bomb Squadron USAF
- Airplane Type:B-17 G
- Function on board:Left waist gunner
- Award:Purple Heart
- Deceased on:14-10-1943
- Place of Death: Horn, Lange Beemden
- Place Cemetery: Neupre
- Cemetery Name: American War Cemetery Ardennes
- Land Cemetery: Belgium
- Plot Cemetery: B
- Row Cemetery: 35
- Number Cemetery: 11
- Are you family of this soldier, or do you have any additional information? Please contact us via info@monumentoftolerance.com.
- More information about citation can be found at the following page.