
Interviews, now online

Although we cannot organize a veteran’s week this year, we still want to share the special stories of various veterans with you. Every day from 7 to 11 November a new interview will
be online at 7 p.m. You can view this on this Facebook page or via the link below on our youtube channel:

Link youtube

Leo Hendrikx
Engelandvaarder, Spitfirepilot, 1940-1945
32 Squadron Royal Air Force
Bearer of bravery award

Raymond Griffiths
British army, The Herefordshire Regiment 1944-1945
(Dutch subtitles)

Chris Gijsen
Dutch East Indies at the time of the police actions
42nd Heavy Machine Gun Comp. 1948-1950

Ad Muijris
New Guinea 1951-1953

Philippe Wagemans
2x Task Force Uruzgan,
Litouwen Enhanced Forward Presence
Afghanistan Resolute Support Mission Force Protection
We hope you enjoy viewing it.


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