Heinz Leistikow Gefreiter - Fallschirmjäger Regiment Herman, Battaillon Grafing
- Last name:Leistikow
- Initials:H.
- Nationality:Germany
- Date of birth:09-09-1924
- Place of birth:Pyritz (Pyrzyce)
- Homeland:Germany (Now Poland)
- Age :20
- Rank:Gefreiter
- Unit:Fallschirmjäger Regiment Herman, Battaillon Grafing
- Division:606 Division zur besonderen Verwendung
- Deceased on:17-11-1944
- Place of Death: Linne aan de Maas
- Field grave: Sint-Odiliënberg
- Place Cemetery: Ysselsteyn
- Cemetery Name: Duitse militaire begraafplaats
- Land Cemetery: Netherlands
- Plot Cemetery: AV
- Row Cemetery: 7
- Number Cemetery: 170
- Are you family of this soldier, or do you have any additional information? Please contact us via info@monumentoftolerance.com.
- More information about citation can be found at the following page.